Monday, January 28, 2013

Two Routers and uTorrent

Because of frequest crashing of my computer lately, I decided to reload my basic Windows 7 image and re-installed all software.

One of the applications I use from time to time is uTorrent.  After the quick installation and did a test on a torrent file, I noticed my incoming port used by uTorrent was not open to incoming traffic.

Problem Solving:

1. I went to Windows firewall in System and Security under Control Panel, uTorrent was correctly included as one of the allowed programs through Windows Firewall;

2. I logged in to the 2nd router where my computer was connected to and put in a port forwarding entry but test in uTorrent still indicated the port was not open;

3. I removed the port forwarding entry in the 2nd router and put that in the 1st router and subsequent test in uTorrent now indicated the port was open.

It should be pointed out the 2nd router has a static ip address outside the range of ip address set up in the 1st router. Also the wireless lan is disable in 1st router but enable in 2nd router.  In addition, the dhcp is turn-off in 2nd router so the ip address of any computers connected to the 2nd router, wired or wireless, will be assigned by the 1st router.