Thursday, October 18, 2012

Connecting 32bit Windows XP to 64bit Windows 7

It has been very frustrating in the past couple days trying to make a 32bit Windows XP pc talk to a 64bit Windows 7 pc. The first objective to accomplish by talking to each other is to share a common printer and the secondary objective is to share files. As it turned out, the fix was quite simple. Besides the usual same workgroup name and file sharing feature was turned on for those folders you wanted to share, the Node Type of the 64bit Windows 7 pc has to be "Hybrid". To find out the Node Type, open a command terminal and type "ipconfig/all|more" on the Windows 7 pc. If the value is not Hybrid, then you have to change it using regedit. From the Start button, type "regedit" in the search box. Navigate to "\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT" and change the value to 8. That's it.